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How do I proceed?

DIY stands for Do It Yourself, but with full support and guidance throughout your project.

Together we design your electrical installation / plan from A to Z on which you can build further. This always according to the rules of the art and future-oriented, ready for later extensions, .... Of course I always meet all (legal) safety provisions.

Everything is always possible in consultation.

  • Total new construction

  • Renovation project

  • Smaller extension or garden house

  • A charging station for your car

  • Adding solar panels

  • ...

I listen to what you need and make a detailed proposal for you.

  • I will draw up a drawing of your installation on the (existing) floor plan

  • I will make an electrical single-line diagram , which is necessary for the inspection of the renewal of your installation.

  • I draw up the grinding plan and the correct cable list , necessary to be able to order the material.
    There is a possibility that I supply all the material. Or you look to buy it yourself .

  • I provide practical advice on site and a very detailed explanation of all materials.
    This way you can start installing it.

You get started with the explanation, a question along the way? Then you contact me and I will help you further.

I always provide intermediate checks/controls as a guarantee for a positive inspection. (For example earth loop connections, socket circuits, correct fuse in the electrical cabinet, ...)

All this completely within your budget! You can say afterwards, "I did this myself" and everything is perfectly fine!




DIY Elektro laat u NOOIT in de steek!


Lukt het doorheen het project niet of ben je geen klusser, kan je altijd vragen om de werken toch uit te voeren in regie.

Met andere woorden kan uw project sowieso afgewerkt worden!

Hoe klein of groot het ook is.


Eveneens voor alle kleine aanpassingen of herstellingen van elektrische problemen in residentiele woningen.


Daarnaast heb ik een ruime kennis van Jacuzzi's, het vervangen van alle componenten zijn geen onbekende voor mij.



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